Friends and family – Get out your lists of contact and make a list of who you already know that will know and be able to connect

Friends and family – Get out your lists of contact and make a list of who you already know that will know and be able to connect

You have watched the videos, you have reflected – now you are ready to go and out take some steps to getting a mentor. Remember: there are 3 recommended methods

  • Friends and family – Get out your lists of contact and make a list of who you already know that will know and be able to connect you to people. If your parents are professionals, they should be top of your list. If not, friends, room-mates and professors. (PARENTS SHOULD NOT BE FORMAL CAREER MENTORS-this is an “easy” way out for you. Get out of your comfort zone.)
  • Alumni connection- LinkedIn has a wealth of connections. Do a search for alumni on LinkedIn
    What do you want from this assignment?

SECURE A POTENTIAL MENTOR. Have an initial meeting/call with them.

  1. ANSWER: Reflect on the conversation.
  1. Did it go well or poorly? Why?
  2. What will you do similarly/differently in your next meeting?
  3. What, if any, follow-up actions did you take from the meeting? (ie. Did you get another meeting or any referrals?) What will be your approach to fulfilling them?

The final paper should be no more than 3-5 double-spaced pages, 12 point font. Upload your completed assignment in Brightspace.

Requirements: no more than 3 pages


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Friends and family

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