Down syndrome patient with Abdominal Blunt trauma and child abuse act of commission. Mother with limited financial resources

Down syndrome patient with Abdominal Blunt trauma and child abuse act of commission. Mother with limited financial resources

Case scenario : Down syndrome patient with Abdominal Blunt trauma and child abuse act of commission. Mother with limited financial resources, no father involved and child abused by mothers boyfriend

State of Florida

Miami Dade County

Reflection: Address the following questions:

  1. What resources are available in your community to assist with concerns such as those faced by your virtual patient? What are the reporting requirements for your state and to whom would you report?
    1. Cite your source(s) appropriately.
  2. Include the following components:
    1. write 300- 400 words in a Microsoft Word document
    2. demonstrate clinical judgment appropriate to the virtual patient scenario
    3. cite at least one relevant scholarly source as defined by program expectationsLinks to an external site.
    4. communicate with minimal errors in English grammar, spelling, syntax, and punctuation

Requirements: 300- 400 words. excluding title and reference page

Masters Nursing

please use most updated references

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Down syndrome patient

APA 434 words

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