How does the nature vs. nurture controversy support or fail to explain the similarities in the life of the Jim Twins?

How does the nature vs. nurture controversy support or fail to explain the similarities in the life of the Jim Twins?

The Jim Twins

Jim Springer and Jim Lewis were separated at 4 weeks old. They are identical twins. They did not see each other again until age 39. They had many similarities in their life paths despite of being separated.

Here is an interview with the Jim Twins from YouTube. It lasts about 10:51 minutes. This story will give some context to the topics we will learn about this week.

Robert Winston_The Jim TwinsLinks to an external site.

How does the nature vs. nurture controversy support or fail to explain the similarities in the life of the Jim Twins? Is it nature or nurture that shapes us? Make sure to support your response with information from the text or some additional research. Cite your source at the end of your discussion. With the Jim Twins is it a coincidence that they had so many of the same likes, dislikes, habits, and careers or was it something deep inside of them (nature)? Remember they were adopted by two different families when they only 3 weeks old and did not meet in person until they were about 39 years old.

Have you known any twins? Do they have a lot in common?

Response: Please expand this discussion by responding to at least one of your classmates comparing their response to your own.

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If you are interested here is another video of a set of triplets who found each other after being separated at birth and being adopted by different families. You don’t have to watch this one, only if you want to see more incredible twin/triplet similarities that cannot be explained other than genetics.

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similarities in the life of the Jim Twins

APA 647 words

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