This week, explain the various responsibilities and services of FEMA when a disaster occurs in the United States

This week, explain the various responsibilities and services of FEMA when a disaster occurs in the United States


This week, explain the various responsibilities and services of FEMA when a disaster occurs in the United States. Do some research on past disasters, and describe how FEMA supported the community and disaster efforts. Address 2-3 of the following.

  • How did FEMA help people prepare for the disaster?
  • What services did FEMA provide to the community?
  • Who else participated in the disaster relief efforts?
  • How much monetary damage was caused by the disaster? Or, how much did FEMA spend in relief?
  • What was public perception of FEMA and the response they provided? 

Provide links to your sources for others to reference.     

Support your answer with evidence from the disasters that you researched.


Watch the videos and answer the questions that follow.

Hurricanes (Video 1:18)

Earthquakes (Video 2:56)

Tsunamis (Video 3:28)

Wildfires (Video 3:12)

Choose one of the natural disasters represented in the videos above and answer the following:

  • What are some of the nursing implications of this disaster?
  • What diseases do you need be concerned about and how would you protect yourself and others? Be specific.

In your discussion with peers, help one another think of additional plans and processes to help in the disaster. You must respond to two peers. One reply should be to a peer who chose a different disaster.

Support your answer with evidence from scholarly sources.


For this week’s discussion, you are asked to research a bioterrorist incident. Begin by reviewing the Media Focus video on bioterrorism in Week 3 of the Content and Activties, then explore the Internet.

Give an example and details from national/international news of a bioterrorist attack. 

Address all of the following in your post:

  • What was the classification of biological agent used in the attack?
  • Discuss the implications of the biological agent.
  • Discuss the therapy for the biological agent.
  • What are the decontamination procedures for the biological agent used in the attack?
  • Define the appropriate level of PPE required for this type of biological agent?

In your post, provide the name of the incident you have chosen, and support your answers with evidence/examples. Please provide a working link and a citation for your source(s).

In your replies to peers, compare the different biological agents, their implications and therapies. Discuss the different types of decontamination procedures and levels of PPE that would be required.

Support your answer with evidence from scholarly sources.


For this week’s discussion, we will be looking at local or national response protocols that were initiated during a critical incident, and you will choose your topic!

Search reputable local and national media for a man-made disaster to discuss.

Search for critical instances such as: hostage situations, mass shootings, multiple-vehicle or mass transit accidents with multiple critical injuries, and disease outbreaks.

In your initial post, describe the incident and address the following:

  • Determine the incident type and explain your reasoning.
  • What resources were deployed for this incident?
  • What protocols were implemented successfully, and which were unsuccessful?
  • Discuss way to improve the response to this type of incident in the future.

Support your answer with evidence. Please provide a working link to your story source.


We have already discussed weather related natural disasters and bioterrorism, and now we will focus on other types of disasters. For this week’s discussion, you are asked to research a technological or human induced disaster.

(This not the same as in Weeks 3 and 4 where you might have discussed hostage situations, mass shootings, multiple-vehicle or mass transit accidents with multiple critical injuries, bioterrorism, and disease outbreaks.) Here you want to look at situations such as radiological, nuclear accidents, technological disasters (electromagnetic pulse), and hazardous material spills.

In your post, provide the name of the incident you have chosen, and support your answers with evidence/examples. Please provide a working link and a citation for your source(s).

Select 2 of the items below to discuss:

  1. At what point does a technological or man made event become labeled a disaster?
  2. Name and explain the impact categories associated with your disaster.
  3. How well do you think the United States is prepared for a disaster like the one you selected?
  4. Discuss the factors that can influence the effects a disaster may have on a community or region.
  5. What nursing interventions would be a priority for these victims?
  6. What community resources should be provided to the victims for follow up needs?

Support your answer with evidence from scholarly sources.

In your peer replies, suggest different ways to handle these types of disasters and the lessons learned by the professionals who handled them.


This week, read the journal article “Challenges and Resources for Participating in a Hurricane Sandy Hospital Evacuation” Download “Challenges and Resources for Participating in a Hurricane Sandy Hospital Evacuation”and complete the activity below.

Click to view the activity.Links to an external site.

After completing the activity, discuss your role as a nurse in disaster preparedness and response. Describe your current patient population and discuss the challenges you might face in carrying out your responsibilities in a disaster.

How could you gain more hands-on training to supplement your academic study of disaster management? How could you feel more prepared? Discuss different training options that you could participate in (e.g. CERT training).

Support your answer with evidence from scholarly sources. 


This week you will put together your 72hour disaster home “go bag” and evaluate your preparedness.

Here are the steps for your initial post:

1. Use the lists available at the websiteLinks to an external site.FEMALinks to an external site., or the Red Cross websiteLinks to an external site. to gather items for your 72hour home go bag. Add additional items that you think will be useful and essential for your family. (You are not required to purchase items, but you may if you choose.)

2. Post a picture of all of the items you have gathered for your go bag. Make sure your name is included somewhere in the picture (you can write your name on a piece of paper and include that in the picture, or add your student ID badge). For the sake of personal and family privacy, keep personal/private items out of the photograph; you may list them (e.g., prescription medications).

  • You must take and submit a picture of your own items! You may not post a picture from the internet or any other source.

Along with your photo, include the following information:

  • A discussion of the items in your home go bag – what is present and what is missing.
  • A brief explanation of the demographic considerations and potential disaster hazards in your area and why you included certain items.
  • Your family, pets, and living situation considerations and why you included certain items.
  • Are you prepared to help others in your community in the event of a disaster?

Support your answers with evidence from scholarly sources.

In your replies to peers, you may:

  • Make suggestions for items to add or additional go bag ideas for children, pets, etc.
  • Share ideas for cost-effective ways to add items.
  • Ask questions about why some items are included, if it was not explained in the post.
  • Share additional websites and preparedness lists.

Example: “I felt it was interesting that you chose to include a fishing pole. What else would you need to include to assure the proper use of this tool? This is a resource that may not be useful to everyone but in our area, we could benefit from this important tool. According to Veneema…”

Additional Resources

How to Pack an Emergency Kit for Any DisasterLinks to an external site.

How to Put Together a Family Emergency Kit


Review the American Nurses Association (ANA) Code of EthicsDownload American Nurses Association (ANA) Code of Ethics

Address the questions below in your discussion post this week:

  • Does the law require you to respond in disaster situations?
  • Do RNs have a contractual responsibility to respond in disaster situations?
  • Are you familiar with the laws in your state?

Support your answers with evidence from scholarly sources.

In your replies to peers, propose challenges and possible conflicts that could arise, or present possible ethical situations or scenarios. Help each other find solutions.


For this week’s discussion, view the Week 9 Resources and choose one of the websites to visit and explore. Choose a subject/topic that you find most interesting. Provide a link to the website and the source citation in your post.

Address all of the following:

  • Why did you select this resource/site? Why do you find the subject/topic interesting?
  • What is the one thing you want others to know about this subject/topic that is found on the website?
  • What information had the greatest impact on you? Explain.

In your peer replies, ask questions about the subject/topic that you are curious about and offer new resources.

Support your answers with evidence from the site that you visited and provide a citation for that website.

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responsibilities and services of FEMA

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