According to Butts (2015), “negligence is failure of the nurse to give care as a reasonably prudent and careful person

According to Butts (2015), “negligence is failure of the nurse to give care as a reasonably prudent and careful person

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POST #1 – Wing

According to Butts (2015), “negligence is failure of the nurse to give care as a reasonably prudent and careful person would give under similar circumstances. Malpractice is improper or unethical conduct or unreasonable lack of skill by a nurse or other professional that results in damages”. To put it simply ,negligence is nurse’s unintentional mistake causes unintended harm on patient. Malpractice on the other hand is when the nurse knows, but unwilling to follow proper standard of care and causes harm on patient.

Example of negligence: A nurse failed to document the reason of withholding a medication. The patient’s heart rate is below 60 beats per minute. After assessing the patient’s apical pulse, the nurse decided to withhold the Digoxin for the patient according to the heart rate parameters (hold if HR<60 bpm). However, the nurse forgot to document the reason why she did not administer to the patient.

Example of malpractice: A nurse failed to report critical lab values to doctor. The lab called the nurse about a patient’s hemoglobin level is 6.2. The nurse was busy assisting another patient to the bathroom, so she did not report the hemoglobin level to the doctor right away. The nurse thought she didn’t have time to do blood transfusion anyway, so she decided to report to the doctor later when she had more free time. Failure to report low hemoglobin level to doctor in a timely manner can be dangerous to the patient and could lead to heart failure or death.


Butts, J. B. (2015). Nursing Ethics (4th ed.). Jones & Bartlett Learning.

POST #2- Ernesto

Negligence and malpractice are two distinct legal concepts that are relevant to the practice of nursing. Negligence refers to a failure to exercise reasonable care, which results in harm or injury to a patient (Pozgar, 2015, p. 192). Malpractice, on the other hand, is a form of professional negligence that occurs when a healthcare provider, such as a nurse, fails to provide the standard of care expected of them, leading to harm or injury to a patient (p. 192). In essence, malpractice is a more serious form of negligence that can lead to legal consequences for the healthcare provider.

In the practice of nursing, an example of negligence could be failing to document a patient’s vital signs correctly, leading to a delay in the diagnosis and treatment of a life-threatening condition. Another example could be failing to provide appropriate medication to a patient, resulting in adverse events.

An example of malpractice in nursing could be failing to follow appropriate infection control protocols, leading to the spread of infectious diseases.

In both cases, negligence and malpractice can have severe consequences for patients and healthcare providers alike. Nurses should ensure that they provide the standard of care expected of them, document accurately, and follow established protocols to minimize the risk of negligence or malpractice occurring in their practice.


Pozgar, G. D. (2015). Legal and Ethical Issues for Health Professionals (4th ed.). Jones & Bartlett Learning. Retrieved from

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negligence is failure of the nurse

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