My topic is heart disease in African American men ages 65 years or older who live in Alexandria

My topic is heart disease in African American men ages 65 years or older who live in Alexandria

!!!!!!please make sure you look at the uploaded file which includes a photo with the instructions!!!

My topic is heart disease in African American men ages 65 years or older who live in Alexandria, VA. The activities I want to use for this project are 30-60 minutes of physical activity including cardio (running, walking, jogging)

feel free to include any other activities other than physical activity

please be specific according to the rubric ( which is the photo in the file I uploaded)

should be 3-4 pages double spaced in APA format

This assignment will be evaluated on the depth of the responses to the required questions, such as the appropriate use of health behavior theory, the appropriate use of information from the Community Guide, and the appropriate use of information from the Health Profile I report. The assignment will be evaluated on the specificity, accuracy, and relevance of the details provided. The assignment will also be evaluated on the correct use of APA citations, and staying within the page requirements.

I uploaded a photo of the rubric and instructions for the assignment and also included the other parts of this project in a file below to give you a better idea of what this assignment needs.

community guide link:

health profile link:

Requirements:   |   .doc file

Public Health

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heart disease in African American

APA 1006 words

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