Find a popular news article that is reporting on a new finding in immunology

Find a popular news article that is reporting on a new finding in immunology

Due: 03/23 @10 pm

For this assignment, you should follow the following steps.

1. Find a popular news article that is reporting on a new finding in immunology.  (should be immunology-related)

  • You can make sure that you have a popular news article and not one that is peer-reviewed by checking in PubMed.  PubMed has all peer-reviewed articles, so your popular news article should NOT be there.

2. Make sure that your popular news article cites or links to a peer-reviewed primary article.

  •  THIS (the peer-reviewed, primary) article *should* be in PubMed when you search it.
  •  This article should NOT have “Review” in a blue box at the top of its individual. PubMed page OR beside it when you are looking at a list of articles.

*** If your popular news article does not link to a primary, peer-reviewed article in PubMed, find a new popular news article and start again. ***

3. Make sure you have access to the full text of the primary, peer-reviewed article and not just the abstract.

  • When you search for the article in PubMed, click on the page with the article abstract (if it doesn’t directly pop up when you search).  On the right hand of the page are full text links.  Make sure when you click on it, it doesn’t ask you to pay to view the full article.

    ***you must have access to the full article***

4. Look through the primary, peer-reviewed paper and make sure it has one graph or data image (not a flow chart of the procedure and not a table, but some visual representation of a finding.)

After following all the steps mentioned above, please answer the associated questions for the assignment –

  1. Please provide a link (you can just copy and paste) to your popular science article. (5pts)
  2. In no more than two sentences and in your own words, please summarize the new finding being reported. (4pts)
  3. Please provide a link to the full text of your primary, peer reviewed article cited in your popular science article. (5pts)
  4. How much of the primary, peer-reviewed article can you understand?  You are not being graded on whether you can understand it or not… I’m just asking you to assess whether you think this is an article you will eventually be able to work through over the course of the next 13 weeks. (3pts)
  5. Does the primary, peer-reviewed article have at least one figure (not a table, but either a graph or an image) of actual data (not a flow chart of their process, but actual information they found from their studies)?  If so, what is the figure number.  If not, no is an ok answer!  (3pts)

Requirements: 2 or 3 pages


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new finding in immunology

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