Identify two “metaphors” Athanasius uses to explain key points in his theology and explain their meaning.

Identify two “metaphors” Athanasius uses to explain key points in his theology and explain their meaning.

Athanasius – On the Incarnation – Worksheet


Bring this worksheet to class on Thursday for your Reading Comprehension Quiz credit.


  1. Identify two “metaphors” Athanasius uses to explain key points in his theology and explain their meaning.
  • Identify what you take to be Athanasius’s main purpose in writing.
  • Describe what you see as the two main problems ‘The Fall’ causes that the incarnation must remedy.
  • Write one quote that you liked from this book.

Bonus Question: What was the nature of humans before the transgression?

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Identify two “metaphors

APA 838 words

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