For this assignment you will write a letter to an educator in your life (a teacher, principal, coach, counselor, professor,

For this assignment you will write a letter to an educator in your life (a teacher, principal, coach, counselor, professor

For this assignment you will write a letter to an educator in your life (a teacher, principal, coach, counselor, professor, etc.) to tell them about at least 2 things you have learned from this class that you think they should know about. You may choose any topic that we covered that was NOT discussed in the previous reflection essays. Make sure to explain why you think they need to know about this issue and to define/describe the two things in detail. *You will not be mailing this letter.

Your letter should be no more than 3-pages and thoroughly discusses your topic. Your letter needs to include integration of lecture, course reading material, and your own thoughts. It can be written as a more informal letter but you still need to cite your evidence.


  1. Provide an introduction to the topics including what they are and why it’s important for your teacher to know more about them.
  2. Provide 2-3 clear separate topics with evidence (6 points)
  3. Wrap up your argument and essay (1 point)

Overall writing quality and 3 pages and use of APA citations


Reflection Essay

Reflection Essay
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIntroduction3 pts Full Marks The issue is introduced and there is discussion about what the issue is and why it is important to understand. The introduction ends with a clear statement of the stance of the essay. 1.5 pts Satisfactory The issue is very broadly defined and there is little attention to the questions what it is and why it is important. Or the stance of the essay is ambiguous. 0 pts No Marks3 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeArguments6 pts Full Marks There are 2-3 clear, separate arguments that are fully supported with evidence. There is smooth integration of lecture, course reading material, and writer’s own thoughts. 4 pts Satisfactory There are 2-3 clear arguments but they may be too similar in nature. There is support for the arguments but it does not integrate course material or readings. 2 pts Work in Progress The arguments are missing support and evidence. There is no clear integration of course material. There may be only one argument. 0 pts No Marks6 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeConclusion1 pts Full Marks There is a clear conclusion where the issue and arguments are revisited and wrapped up. 0 pts No Marks The essay ends abruptly1 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWriting quality2 pts Full Marks The essay is written with an academic tone and has little to no grammatical or spelling errors. Any evidence and support is cited with APA citations and there is a reference list. 1 pts Satisfactory There are multiple grammatical or spelling errors. APA citing format may not have been used. 0 pts No Marks2 pts
Total Points: 12

Requirements: 3 pages   |   .doc file

“2 things you have learned from this class ” find from week5 and week 10 materials

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letter to an educator in your life

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