Brian Fixter, 35 year-old employee, has been employed by your company for the past five yearsand works as a social media manager

Brian Fixter, 35 year-old employee, has been employed by your company for the past five years
and works as a social media manager

Deadline: Part 2 of the Course Assignment is due on March 29 at 8:30am. Your

assignment must be submitted to

Brian Fixter, 35 year-old employee, has been employed by your company for the past five years
and works as a social media manager. As a social media manager he handles all company social
media accounts and in-person marketing presentations. Brian also deals with trying to resolve
customer complaints. The company has alleged a number of events that Brian has done wrong
which allows it to fire him for cause (these events are the three complaints you individually
wrote about in Term Assignment #1 at the start of term).
Create your own fake law firm and write a memo from the law firm to the company which fired
Brian Fixter. In your memorandum you will discuss both of the following:
1) Use the law you have learned throughout the course to flag potential issues with firing
Brian because of the three individual complaints. What legal issues should the
company be worried about? Explain the law in full as it relates to the complaints from
your Term Assignment #1 and recommend to the company whether or not it could
properly dismiss Brian for just cause for each of the three complaints.
2) Advise the company about how much notice it would have to provide if it decided to
terminate Brian without cause by doing the following:
a. First, determine Brian’s notice period as if the ESA applied to the position.
b. Second, determine Brian’s reasonable notice period using common law.
Conduct a comprehensive legal analysis of Brian’s common law notice

All student writing must be based off of and reference the law/legal language from either the: 1)
course lecture slides, 2) the course textbook, or 3) in-class cases. Any student assignment that
uses law, legal tests/language, or legal cases which is not from the course lectures, the course
textbook, or in-class cases. will be given a grade of “0”. You cannot rely on internet searches or
generative artificial intelligence to speak about the law – it must be from our course.
Submission Requirements:
Upload your electronic file to the “Term Assignment #2” Submission link on prior
to the deadline.
Turnitin Login: The “Class ID” and “Enrolment Key” are available on
the front page of the Course Outline (posted to BlackBoard).

Additional Assignment Requirements:
 Typed and drafted in a “memo” format/style from a fake law firm to the company.

Microsoft Word has a memo template you can use:

 Maximum four pages single spaced. Maximum six pages if double-spaced.
 Standard 12-point, Times New Roman font.
 Students are judged on their ability to outline the relevant law from the course, apply it
correctly to the set of facts which they created in term assignment #1, and provide useful
guidance for the company. The goal is to apply the BLAW 3750 course to your facts.
 In text citations should be used when referring to quotes from the textbook or in-class
lectures. For example, if you are relying on material from a lecture slide, you cite like
this: Fixter, B. Lecture #7 – Ending Employment, at slide 14.
 The submission to by the stated deadline is mandatory. If the submission to
Turnitin is past the stated deadline, your assignment will be penalized or may not be
accepted at all.
 A grading rubric for the assignment is available on the next page.

BLAW 3750 — Marking Rubric (Term Assignment Part #2)

Grading Criteria Criteria Expectations Mark

Writing Technique
and Formatting

Precise and effective use of spelling, grammar, usage, and writing mechanics.
Compliance with memorandum formatting.
All required parts to the memorandum are addressed.
Legal arguments are logically organized, and claim is readable and has an easy to follow narrative.
Meets or exceeds length requirement.
Legal voice is present, seamlessly integrated, and creative.
No wordiness, needless repetition, suspense, etc.
Student has paraphrased information and not simply cut-and-pasted large chunks of information from
online, course materials, or prior assignments.
Each paragraph of writing is unique, original, and drafted without assistance. No plagiarism or other
academic misconduct permitted.


Legal Basis

All relevant factual issues all identified and thoroughly canvassed.
All relevant legal principles/tests are identified and outlined.
Law and legal tests uniquely summarized/paraphrased and not simply cut and pasted.
Law is correctly stated.
Student has properly cited to the textbook, lecture slides, or in-class cases.
Student has properly cited any case names and/or statute names.
All legal information is from the textbook, lecture slides, or in-class materials.


Application, Argument,
and Critical Analysis

Student has clearly stated how the relevant legal principles apply to the facts.
Application of law to the facts is persuasive and convincing.
Student shows insight in drawing logical, evidence-based conclusions from the facts.
Student assessments based on the law are reasonable and accurate.
Student has drawn proper conclusions from their analysis.
Student only applied law that appears in the course — either from lecture slides, textbook, or in-class cases.


Part #2 – Instructor
Comments and Mark /15

(Part 1 and Part 2 combined): /20

Answer preview for the paper on ‘Brian Fixter, 35 year-old employee, has been employed by your company for the past five years and works as a social media manager’

social media manager

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