Synopsis: An RN Case manager doing biweekly or monthly telephonic assessments (depending on risk level: i.e low risk or moderate risk) where you monitor patient health and educate on medication compliance and having enough at all times, BP checks at least once a day and keeping a journal of the readings to bring to your doctor, regular follow up with specialist to ensure medications are being effective, 30 min a day of exercise, diet restrictions, and always having access to 911 in case of emergencies such as chest pain, SOB, or BP greater than 180/120)


Develop an intervention; devise how you will measure if the “change” had the desired effect; establish how you will collect, manage, protect the data as well as its use and interpretation; consider leadership in the context of ethics, diversity, equity, and inclusion; and discuss the potential benefits as a result of this work.


In this assessment, you will define the intervention, measurement, and how you will manage and protect the data. Now is also the time to take a step back and consider ethical leadership within the context of quality improvement. How might the Quadruple Aim/Quintuple Aim be used to frame quality improvement efforts with a focus on the patient/client experience (quality and satisfaction), the health of populations, reducing per capita costs, the well-being of the health care workforce, and health equity? In this assessment, you will have an opportunity to consider ethical principles and leadership and complete a SWOT analysis to assess how your quality improvement project affects the target population, the organization, and those served.


By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the course competencies through the following assessment scoring guide criteria:

  • Competency 2: Analyze a health care issue from a leadership perspective, applying quality improvement principles and evidence-based standards.
    • Explain organizational or systemic strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) relative to the identified project aim.
  • Competency 3: Develop a project charter that addresses a potential gap, problem, or opportunity within a health care system.
    • Describe the planned intervention specific to the identified gap.
    • Explain how the intervention will be evaluated including outcome, process, and balancing measures.
  • Competency 4: Develop a data management plan, including a plan for ethical stewardship for data use and communication.
    • Develop a data collection and management plan that explains how information is collected, managed, and protected.
    • Describe how ethical leadership practices might be addressed in this project, including ethical leadership principles.
  • Competency 5: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, interprofessional, and respectful of the diversity, dignity, and integrity of others.
    • Address most components of the assessment prompt appropriately, using the assessment description to structure text.
    • Apply APA style and formatting to scholarly writing.

Note: The assessments in this course must be completed in the order presented; subsequent assessments should be built on both your earlier work and your instructor’s feedback on earlier assessments. If you choose to submit assessments prematurely, without considering and integrating your instructor’s feedback, your assessment may be returned ungraded, resulting in your loss of an assessment attempt.


For this third assessment, you will continue to develop the Project Charter you began in the previous two assessments. Draw on the context you developed concerning the gap, need, or opportunity for improvement to complete Part 3 of the Project Charter Template:

  • Assessment 1: Project Charter Part 1.
  • Assessment 2: Project Charter Part 2.
  • Assessment 3: Project Charter Part 3.
  • Assessment 4: Project Charter Part 4: Poster Presentation.

Your Project Charter will be a foundational plan, so you will not actually implement the project, collect or analyze data, et cetera. You may use fictitious information as needed; however, you also need to obtain data from scholarly literature (cited using the most recent edition of APA style) to support your Project Charter. Try to make it as realistic as you can!


Access, download, and review the Project Charter Template [DOCX] file that you will use to complete your Project Charter. The template is divided into sections that correspond to one of the first three assessments for this course: Project Charter Parts 1–3. Complete each of these sections when the corresponding assessment is due. Submit all completed components as one document. The template also includes detailed instructions for completing each section. Please study these instructions and then delete and replace them with your own responses before submitting the document to be graded.

For an example of the completed assessment, access and review the Project Charter Exemplar [PDF] resource.


You have identified the gap, set measurable objectives, gathered the team, designated leadership, and developed a plan for communication and collaboration. Now you are ready to develop the intervention and decide how you will measure if the “change” had the desired effect, and consider how you will collect, manage, and protect the data as well as its use and interpretation. Think about your Project Charter in the context of ethics, diversity, equity, and inclusion, and the potential benefits that may result from this work. Review the information from Assessments 1 and 2, reflect on the work you have completed, then complete Part 3 of your Project Charter.

For this assessment, use the Project Charter Template [DOCX] to complete the following items found in Part 3:

  1. Intervention & Measurement: Now that you have your team members and a plan, it is time to consider the intervention for the “change” and how you will measure the impact.
    • Describe the planned intervention.
      • What will you do that is different from the current condition or state? This is the “change strategy” that will address the identified gap.
      • Who will be involved with implementing the change?
      • Process for implementation including when, where, and how. The planned intervention should address the specific gap you identified in Part 1.
      • The information provided should allow someone to replicate the planned intervention so be sure to include specific steps/information.
    • Develop Outcome, Process, and Balancing Measures.
      • Outcome: What is the desired outcome in measurable terms.
        • Compare to the SMART objective you developed that is stated in measurable terms.
        • State the desired outcome after the intervention has been implemented. This should be stated in very specific and measurable terms with time parameters.
      • Process: State 1–2 process measures that address:
        • Are you doing the right things to achieve the outcome?
        • Are the steps in the process leading to the planned outcome?
        • These should be specific and in measurable terms.
      • Counter/Balancing: As you are not implementing the project, develop counter/balancing measures that might be anticipated if the planned intervention is implemented:
        • Consider the potential for the changes being made causing problems in other areas that may not be anticipated.
  2. Develop a data collection and management plan: Use the template provided to input your data collection and management plan. This plan should explain how information is collected, managed, and protected. Include the following:
    • Describe the data that will be collected.
    • Describe who will collect the data. Explain their role and why this person(s) is selected.
    • Describe when the data will be collected. Provide a beginning and ending time frame.
    • Describe how the data will be stored/protected. Consider security, de-identification, confidentiality, and anonymity.
      • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: How will the data be interpreted? Do you have any concerns about how bias might affect data collection, interpretation or application?
    • Provide 1–2 citations/references as needed to support your conclusions (cited using the most recent edition of APA style).
  3. Ethical Considerations/Diversity, Equity, Inclusion: As a leader in the field, evaluate how you might address the following within the context of the Quadruple/Quintuple Aim:
    • Who may benefit from the project?
    • Who may be harmed by the project?
    • Who is included and who is excluded? Consider vulnerable populations
    • How does this align with ethical leadership?
    • How might you leverage power as a leader toward equity?
      • Will you utilize different leadership styles or approaches?
      • What specialized skills or best practices might be utilized?
      • How will the well-being of those taking part in the project be addressed?
    • Include 1–2 citations/references published within the last five years, using the APA format..
  4. Complete a SWOT Analysis:
    • Strengths: Project strengths: What are the assets of the organization that will help it achieve a successful outcome, e.g., knowledge, support, resources, funding, etc.? Some examples might include things your organization does well, qualities that make you different from others, internal resources and assets (loyalty, retention, et cetera).
    • Weaknesses: Potential obstacles or challenges—limitations that may affect success. What are the potential barriers that might interfere with success? In the past, what factors were aligned with lack of success and obstacles to change. Some examples might include lack of resources, lack of personnel, organizational commitment, et cetera.
    • Opportunities: Opportunities to facilitate project success—factors that might be utilized to increase the likelihood of success. Some examples might include accessing external resources, opportunities for training and education to meet the needs, needs assessment for underserved groups, et cetera.
    • Threats: Potential threats to the project—factors and events that may disrupt goal attainment. Some examples might include increased competition, changes in regulations or policies, changes in populations, attitudes, et cetera.


  • Written Communication: Write clearly, accurately, and professionally, incorporating sources appropriately.
  • Length of Paper: Complete all fields of the Project Charter Template Part 3 (approximately 2–4 pages when complete).
    • Reminder: Your assessment submission must include all three parts of the Project Charter Template completed.
  • Resources: Include sources where appropriate within the template; each part of the Project Charter must include its own reference page formatted according to the most recent APA style.
  • Font and Font Size: APA format (7th edition) permits Times Roman (12-point), Arial (11-point), and Calibri (11-point).
  • Academic Honesty: Submit a draft of your assessment to SafeAssign and make any necessary changes before you submit it to your instructor for grading.

Requirements: 2-4 pages



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