In this assessment, you will identify your team, the relevant stakeholders, and an executive sponsor

In this assessment, you will identify your team, the relevant stakeholders, and an executive sponsor


Previous assessments on topic will be provided and tutor can reuse references and words as needed/applicable to this current assessment.

    1. An RN Case manager doing biweekly or monthly telephonic assessments (depending on risk level: i.e low risk or moderate risk) where you monitor patient health and educate on medication compliance and having enough at all times, BP checks at least once a day and keeping a journal of the readings to bring to your doctor, regular follow up with specialist to ensure medications are being effective, 30 min a day of exercise, diet restrictions, and always having access to 911 in case of emergencies such as chest pain, SOB, or BP greater than 180/120)

Draw on the context you developed concerning the gap, need, or opportunity for improvement to choose the team members you will need to address your quality improvement project, a leader to guide your project, an executive sponsor, project stakeholders, and a plan for communicating to various groups and stakeholders.


In this assessment, you will identify your team, the relevant stakeholders, and an executive sponsor. You will also decide who will lead the quality improvement team. The team leader is the “driver” of the project and is typically someone with the power and support to implement a change. The leader not only needs to be aware of the clinical, process, or administrative implications and potential consequences of the proposed change, but also be proficient in leadership skills, strategies, and emotional intelligence, with the ability to lead and connect with diverse team members and stakeholders. Does your team leader model effective leadership consistent with change management?


By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the course competencies through the following assessment scoring guide criteria:

  • Competency 1: Evaluate the application of leadership styles to a practice or process change within a health care or public health delivery system.
    • Identify and justify the selection of executive or organizational sponsors.
    • Justify the selection of a team leader whose leadership style and attributes are most appropriate to the needs of the project.
  • Competency 2: Analyze a health care issue from a leadership perspective, applying quality improvement principles and evidence-based standards.
    • Justify the selection of team members appropriate to the needs of the project.
    • Justify the selection of key stakeholders for the project.
  • Competency 4: Develop a data management plan, including a plan for ethical stewardship for data use and communication.
    • Develop a communication plan for the executive sponsor, stakeholders, and team members that explains the purpose, methods, and potential assets and challenges.
  • Competency 5: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, interprofessional, and respectful of the diversity, dignity, and integrity of others.
    • Address most components of the assessment prompt appropriately, using the assessment description to structure text.
    • Apply APA style and formatting to scholarly writing.

Note: The assessments in this course must be completed in the order presented; subsequent assessments should be built on both your earlier work and your instructor’s feedback on earlier assessments. If you choose to submit assessments prematurely, without considering and integrating your instructor’s feedback, your assessment may be returned ungraded, resulting in your loss of an assessment attempt.


For this second course assessment, you will continue to build upon the Project Charter you began in the previous assessment. Draw on the context you developed concerning the gap, need, or opportunity for improvement to complete Part 2 of the Project Charter Template:

  • Assessment 1: Project Charter Part 1.
  • Assessment 2: Project Charter Part 2.
  • Assessment 3: Project Charter Part 3.
  • Assessment 4: Project Charter Part 4: Poster Presentation.

Your Project Charter will be a foundational plan, so you will not actually implement the project, collect or analyze data, et cetera. You may use fictitious information as needed; however, you also need to obtain data from scholarly literature (cited using the most recent edition of APA style) to support your Project Charter. Try to make it as realistic as you can!


Complete the assigned readings and the Applying Leadership Styles media activity before you complete Part 2 of the Project Charter. For this assessment, you need to submit your Project Charter with both Part 1 and Part 2 completed.

Access, download, and review the Project Charter Template [DOCX] file that you will use to complete your Project Charter. The template is divided into sections that correspond to one of the first three assessments for this course: Project Charter Parts 1–3. Complete each of these sections when the corresponding assessment is due and submit the template with all completed components. The template also includes detailed instructions for completing each section. Please study these instructions and then delete and replace them with your own responses before submitting the document to be graded.

For an example of the completed assessment, access and review the Project Charter Exemplar [PDF] resource.


Now that you have identified the “gap” or opportunity for change, completed the SMART objectives, and developed the AIM statement, it is time to identify an executive sponsor, the team members you will need to address your quality improvement project, a leader to guide your project, stakeholders impacted by the project, and a plan for communicating to various groups. The team should have adequate representation from the respective systems and stakeholders, including end users or those served. As you create your team, consider the importance of leadership style(s) and issues related to diversity, equity, and inclusion in making your selections. Review the course resources and activities from this and previous assessments to inform and support your responses to Part 2 of your Project Charter.

For this assessment, use the Project Charter Template [DOCX] to complete the following items found in Part 2:

  1. Executive or Organizational Project Sponsor: Select a project executive sponsor and explain why you choose this person. The project sponsor holds an authority position in the organization and ensures the project aligns with the organizational mission and strategy. This person is the liaison with executive leadership/management. This person is not involved in the day-to-day work of the team but should be aware of the team’s progress. This person takes responsibility for the success (or failure) of the project at the organizational level. You may identify the executive sponsor by title or role. When selecting the executive or organizational sponsor, consider the following to explain why you selected this person:
    • Identify this person by role and title. Provide a fictional name or use initials (please do not use a person’s real name or other identifying information).
    • Explain why you selected this person, including factors such as:
      • Executive level accountability for success or failure.
      • Access to support and resources.
      • The ability to address resistance and challenges.
      • Creates conditions for success.
  2. Select the Team: Identify 4–6 team members for the Project Charter. Think about who is familiar with the different parts of the systems. The team should consist of the people who are involved with the practice change and carrying out the effort. Some people may have expertise in several areas. Think about the people who are most important to the project, then complete the following:
    • Describe each team member’s title, department, or affiliation.
      • Think about who is familiar with the different parts of the systems.
      • As you consider team members, prioritize them in terms of “must have.”
    • Explain how the person contributes to the project’s success/rationale for inclusion.
      • The team should consist of the people who are involved with the practice change and carrying out the effort.
      • Some people may have expertise in several areas.
    • Explain how the person will add to the team and/or project’s success.
      • Consider how a diverse set of individuals (demographics, disciplines, experiences, knowledge) will add to the team and/or project’s success.
  3. Select Your Team Leader: After reviewing the Applying Leadership Styles interactive media activity, consider the leadership styles and organizational roles most appropriate to drive your project. Then describe a real or fictitious leader who reflects this style and their primary role in the organization. Include the following to demonstrate why this leader is best suited to drive your project:
    • Identify the team leader by initials or a fictitious name and primary role within the organization.
    • Describe two leadership styles appropriate to the project that the leader might utilize.
      • Present 1–2 sources (published within the last five years) to support your discussion of these leadership styles. Include APA-style citations.
      • Explain why these two leadership approaches are important to your project’s success.
      • Provide examples of how the leader might apply these leadership approaches in practice.
    • Describe useful qualities this leader might leverage for success.
      • Consider emotional intelligence and communication/collaboration attributes.
      • Consider proficiency with practices related to diversity, equity, and inclusion.
  4. Key Stakeholders: Identify 3–4 key stakeholders for the project. Stakeholders have a vested interest in the planned change and represent a wide variety of people and organizations, e.g., patients/clients, family members, policymakers, advocacy groups, providers, community resources, health promotion organizations, nonprofit groups, et cetera. Use fictional names or initials when identifying stakeholders, and include the following when identifying key stakeholders for your Project Charter:
    • Who is the targeted population?
    • What is the stakeholder’s connection to the project?
    • How is the stakeholder affected or impacted by the project?
    • What is the stakeholder’s contribution to the project?
  5. Communication Plan: Develop a communication plan for the executive sponsor, stakeholders, and team members. Consider the “audience,” and different needs according to culture, language, and other factors. Include information related to the following:
    • The purpose of the communication.
    • The methods of communication employed (e.g., who is the audience, type of communication needed for team members versus stakeholders, sponsor, etc.).
    • Potential challenges and assets:
      • Cultural competency.
      • Implicit bias.
      • Different levels of knowledge, experience, disciplines, and roles.
      • Representation.
      • Diversity and inclusion.
    • Cite literature to support best practices related to communication and collaboration within diverse teams (1–2 sources, published within the last five years, using the APA format).


Your assessment should meet the following requirements:

  • Written Communication: Write clearly, accurately, and professionally, incorporating sources appropriately.
  • Length of Paper: Complete all fields of the Project Charter Template Part 2 (approximately 2–4 pages when complete).
    • Reminder: Your assessment submission must include both Part 1 and Part 2 completed.
  • Resources: Include sources where appropriate within the template; each part of the Project Charter must include its own reference page formatted according to the most recent APA style.
  • Font and Font Size: APA format (7th edition) permits Times Roman (12-point), Arial (11-point), and Calibri (11-point).
  • Academic Honesty: Submit a draft of your assessment to SafeAssign and make any necessary changes before you submit it to your instructor for grading.


By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and scoring guide criteria:

  • Competency 1: Evaluate the application of leadership styles to a practice or process change within a health care or public health delivery system.
    • Identify and justify the selection of executive or organizational sponsors.
    • Justify the selection of a team leader whose leadership style and attributes are most appropriate to the needs of the project.
  • Competency 2: Analyze a health care issue from a leadership perspective, applying quality improvement principles and evidence-based standards.
    • Justify the selection of team members appropriate to the needs of the project.
    • Justify the selection of key stakeholders for the project.
  • Competency 4: Develop a data management plan, including a plan for ethical stewardship for data use and communication.
    • Develop a communication plan for the executive sponsor, stakeholders, and team members that explains the purpose, methods, and potential assets and challenges.
  • Competency 5: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, interprofessional, and respectful of the diversity, dignity, and integrity of others.
    • Address most components of the assessment prompt appropriately, using the assessment description to structure text.
    • Apply APA style and formatting to scholarly writing.

Requirements: 2-4 pages

 I have attached your previous papers since this class is based on previous class so it should be a lot of copy and pasting!!

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identify your team

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