How did the counselor gather information from the client regarding interest, choice, and job satisfaction?

How did the counselor gather information from the client regarding interest, choice, and job satisfaction?

Watch the Career and Vocational Counseling, Client #2 video. How did the counselor gather information from the client regarding interest, choice, and job satisfaction? How did the counselor evaluate the information from the client? What other question(s) would you want to ask the client? Include at least one question in your response. 150 word response

150 word opinion references as well

According to social cognitive career theory, explain why children who live in families of higher socioeconomic status may consider a wider array of career choices. How can clinicians attempt to bridge the gap for those who grew up with a lower socioeconomic status? 150 words

150 words opinion references as well

Requirements: 600 words

I don’t have access to the video either. I gather a couple of responses so that you may possibly be able to rewor and had an idea of the video.

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client regarding interest

APA 787 words

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