Global health presents a fraught ethical landscape, especially for people from wealthy countries who want to help

Global health presents a fraught ethical landscape, especially for people from wealthy countries who want to help

Discussion 9

This week’s topic is in many ways the most important one: Ethics.

Global health presents a fraught ethical landscape, especially for people from wealthy countries who want to help those most in need (often in low and middle income countries, though we obviously have huge swathes of people in need right here in the US as well).

One widely-used approach to thinking about biomedical ethics (which you saw in last week’s reading) is based on four basic principles:

  1. Beneficence (doing good / providing benefits)
  2. Non-maleficence (“do no harm”)
  3. Respect for autonomy (allowing people to make informed decisions), and
  4. Justice (fairness)

In the messy world of global health, these principles often come into conflict, and knowing how to apply them can be complicated.

For your initial DQ response, find a global health program that interests you and consider it in light of these four principles. Do any of these principles raise any issues about the design and execution of the global health program? Are there aspects of the program that do particularly well in addressing one or more of these principles? How might the program be modified to address ethical weaknesses or enhance ethical strengths?

As always, please remember to respond to two of your classmates’ posts for your follow-on participation. Your initial post is due by the end of Thursday, and your follow-on posts by Sunday.

Resources to use

Lecture 7 – Ethics overview

Medical ethics- four principles plus attention to scope – corrected

U.S. Missionary With No Medical Training Sued After Malnourished Ugandan Children Died At Her Center _ Goats and Soda _ NPR

Initial response (50% of discussion assignment grade): A post of approximately 200-350 words that directly addresses one of the week’s discussion topics and cites appropriate evidence to support your ideas (details below).

Follow-on participation (50% of discussion assignment grade): Write two or more substantive posts in response to other students’ initial responses and cite appropriate evidence to support your ideas (details below). Substantive posts do more than say, “I agree,” or “I disagree.” They add new evidence and new insight to the discussion. Follow-on posts should generally be 100-250 words long, but shorter or longer responses are acceptable as long as they make a significant contribution to the week’s discussion.

Your initial response and follow-on discussion posts should cite evidence from sources such as journal articles, reports by governmental and non-governmental organizations, news articles, and / or class lectures. Personal correspondence with global health practitioners or personal.

Requirements: 500 words   |   .doc file

Subject: Masters Global Health

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Global health presents a fraught

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