Caregiver’s guide on how to take care of patients with dementia.

Caregiver’s guide on how to take care of patients with dementia.

I need to create a brochure( using TRI FOLD template)for educational workshop.

the topic of this workshop : Caregiver’s guide on how to take care of patients with dementia.

the goal of this workshop is to increase caregivers awareness about this disease, what to expect , how to treat while not forgetting to take care of themselves; what measures/sources can help to increase caregivers coping abilities. The goal of this evidence based educational workshop increase caregivers’ knowledge on coping mechanism to support them during this emotionally and physically demands of dementia?

so basically you need to create brochure containing information about dementia and support system for caregivers

also I need about 10 pre/post questions to assess if workshop was effective. pre/post questions are the same. it can be any format of questions including true/false questions

Requirements: as long as it answered

Subject: Masters Health & Medical

you can check this document before start. That’s all about this project –  file attached

I need a concise information about the disease and caregivers coping strategies that can fit in tri- fold brochure.

plus pre/post questions

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care of patients with dementia

APA 531 words

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