In On the Social Contract, Jean-Jacques Rousseau makes the provocative claim that the transfer of sovereignty involved in the election

In On the Social Contract, Jean-Jacques Rousseau makes the provocative claim that the transfer of sovereignty involved in the election

Write a 1,500-1,800-word, double-spaced paper on one of the following options:

  1. In On the Social Contract, Jean-Jacques Rousseau makes the provocative claim that the transfer of sovereignty involved in the election of representatives signifies a loss of freedom, declaring that “the instant a people chooses representatives, it is no longer free” (On the Social Contract, Book III, Chapter xv). Why does Rousseau think that citizens who rely on representatives surrender their freedom? What alternative does he offer to reliance on representatives? Do you agree with Rousseau’s claim that electing someone to represent you entails a renunciation or loss of freedom? Why or why not?

In addressing this topic you should first provide a fair, accurate, and complete explanation of Rousseau’s argument in support of his claim that representation involves a loss of freedom before you go on to defend your own position, whatever it is.

  1. In its most basic sense, democracy means “the rule of the people.” However, this definition only tells us that the people exercise power; it does not tell us exactly how they exercise it. In other words, this minimal definition tells us very little about the kinds of participation that democracy requires or expects. What forms of political participation do different models of democracy require? Specifically, what forms of participation do liberal, republican, and deliberative models of democracy expect of citizens and why?

You may answer this question either in the form of an expository essay or in the form of an imaginary dialogue among the thinkers who represent each model of democracy. Your response must refer to at least threeof the following thinkers: James Madison, Thomas Jefferson, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, and Jürgen Habermas. Whichever format you select, you must 1) describe the primary form of participation expected in each model of democracy, and 2) explain why each thinker believes that that particular form of participation is preferable or superior to the alternatives. Whenever possible, you should also point to criticisms that each thinker might make about the ideas expressed by the others.

Helpful hints and reminders:

Make sure you address the assigned topic directly and thoroughly. Avoid digressions and tangential discussions that do not relate to the topic and focus on building a persuasive argument.

Requirements: 1,500 words

Subject: Political Science

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transfer of sovereignty involved in the election

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