Discuss the progression of his or her leadership characteristics. Include how the characteristics change or develop over time

Discuss the progression of his or her leadership characteristics. Include how the characteristics change or develop over time

In this course, we will use team as an umbrella term. Team can be an actual competitive team, a work team, or an organization.

Create a presentation of 10-12 slides, to outline the following information.

  1. Pick a leader from list provided, attached in class resources. This list is not inclusive, if you chose a leader outside of the list please gain approval through your instructor.
  2. Discuss the progression of his or her leadership characteristics. Include how the characteristics change or develop over time, early in their career and at the height of their career, then later with several years of experience under his or her belt (did they continue to influence people).
  3. Explain the effect those characteristics had on his or her team.

Use three to five scholarly resources to support your writing and explanations.

Include speaker notes below each content-related slide that represent what would be said if giving the presentation in person. Expand upon the information included in the slide and do not simply restate it. Please ensure the speaker notes include a minimum of 50 words.

Requirements: In details

Subject: Psychology

Out of curiousity which leader were you going to pick?

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characteristics change or develop over time

13 slides

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